
August 14, 2023

Driving Sales and Conversions: The Impact of 3D Configurators in E-Commerce

Driving Sales and Conversions: The Impact of 3D Configurators in E-Commerce

Are you looking to drive sales and conversions in your e-commerce business? 

Investing in 3D configurators can be a game changer. By offering their customers a revolutionary way of engaging with products, businesses are now able to effect greater customer loyalty and encourage more purchases. 

Not only do 3D configurators increase the chance of positive user experience, but also improve product customization capabilities while allowing for better visualization, leading customers to make informed decisions prior to purchase. 

In this blog post, we’ll dive into how leveraging cutting-edge 3D technology can boost sales and create new opportunities for online shopping outlets.

The Impact of 3D Configurators in E-Commerce

Are you looking to drive sales and conversions in your e-commerce business? 

Investing in 3D configurators can be a game changer. By offering their customers a revolutionary way of engaging with products, businesses are now able to effect greater customer loyalty and encourage more purchases. 

Not only do 3D configurators increase the chance of positive user experience, but also improve product customization capabilities while allowing for better visualization, leading customers to make informed decisions prior to purchase. 

In this blog post, we’ll dive into how leveraging cutting-edge 3D technology can boost sales and create new opportunities for online shopping outlets.

Improved Shopping Experience

3D configurators provide customers with an improved shopping experience by allowing them to interact with and customize products before they purchase them. Customers can use 3D configurators to select the color, size, shape, and other features of a product before adding it to their cart.

This helps customers feel more confident in their purchase decision as they are able to see what the finished product will look like before they buy it.

Increased Customer Engagement

3D configurators also help to increase customer engagement by providing customers with an immersive experience that is engaging and entertaining. Customers can spend hours customizing products and exploring different options without feeling overwhelmed or bored.

This helps to create a positive customer experience that encourages customers to return again in the future.

Increased Conversion Rates

Using 3D configurators can also help to increase conversion rates as customers are more likely to purchase a product if they have seen it in 3D prior to making a purchase decision.

Seeing how a product looks in 3D gives customers more confidence in their purchase decision, which can lead to increased sales for businesses.

Reduced Returns

3D configurators also help to reduce returns as customers are able to get an accurate representation of what they will be purchasing prior to making a purchase decision.

By seeing the exact size, shape, and color of the product prior to buying it, customers are less likely to be disappointed when their order arrives and thus less likely to return it for a refund or exchange.

Improved Product Design

Using 3D configurators can also help businesses improve their product design process by allowing them to quickly test out different design ideas without having to produce physical prototypes first.

This allows businesses to save time and money while ensuring that their products meet customer expectations before going into production.

Enhanced Brand Image

Finally, using 3D configurators can help businesses enhance their brand image by showing potential customers that they are committed to providing an engaging shopping experience that meets customer needs and expectations.

This helps businesses stand out from competitors who do not offer this type of interactive shopping experience and can ultimately lead to increased sales and loyalty among existing customers

Few Examples of 3D Configurators in E-Commerce

Here are a few examples showcasing the impact of 3D configurators in the e-commerce domain. These instances highlight the transformative potential of these tools in elevating the shopping journey.

Modelry offers a streamlined solution for 3D modeling tasks. It helps to manage your orders, reviews, and publishing seamlessly within a single platform. Their self-service tool for 3D modeling equips you with the necessary tools to enhance online shopping experiences for modern customers.


At, you’ll find a dynamic t-shirt configurator that allows users to personalize their shirts. Experiment with colors and witness real-time cost adjustments as you make changes.


Emersya, known for its award-winning real-time 3D technology, opens the door to boundless opportunities in online product design, visualization, and customization. This innovation benefits both product teams and consumers, introducing a new dimension of possibilities.


Rolls Royce

The 3D tool on the provided link allows users to explore the interiors and exteriors of Rolls-Royce cars comprehensively. Users can effortlessly navigate through various car views, toggle between light and normal settings, customize accessories, and experience a real-time sensation, enhancing their interaction with the luxury automobiles.



The Nike shoe visual customizer transforms the act of customizing shoes into an immersive journey. Users can embark on this journey by personalizing colors for each section of the shoe and witnessing the real-time visual output of their customization choices.


As this blog has explored, 3D configurators are incredibly powerful tools in driving sales and conversions – giving customers the ability to explore a variety of options and move through the purchase journey much more quickly. They’re also an especially helpful tool in introducing new products or services faster than ever before. 

When it comes to e-commerce, from product configuration to purchase customization, you won’t find another solution as powerful and reliable as a 3D configurator. We appreciate you taking the time to read through this blog post; hopefully, it has helped give you insight into the world of online product configuration and how it can help your business succeed. 

Do you still have questions about implementing 3D configurators for your e-commerce? If so, connect via our contact page and submit your RFP for a free consultation today!

Also Read: From Concept to Reality: The Role of 3D Configurators in Product Development

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